Wazi Kenya’s Outreach and empowerment

Wazi Kenya Outreach

Collaboration and partnership with allies will always go a long way to help achieve what we desire for the community. One is always able to identify and understand the value of empowering the community even more. Informing the next generation will always be an advantage.

We had a great time at one of Wazi Kenya’s outreach and empowerment sessions. This was curated for mentorship of our teenagers.

Wazi focuses on 4 SDGs: Gender Equality, Quality Education, Good health and well-being, and Partnership for the goals ensures that this program is available on holidays.

Mental health and wellness, SRHR , SDG’s , Career Talk, GBV, and online safety were tackled.

Support in form if funds and partnerships, training, and volunteering is welcome always as they do a commendable job. We look forward to more engagement

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Young Frontiers
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